The Challenge
A large High St. bank is investing over £3 billion to deploy new technology that will make banking simpler and easier for customers and drive operational efficiencies. Improving digital services and creating a digital workplace are central to this transformation and will help with image problem the bank perceived they had with customers and employees alike.
Digital workplaces improve employee agility and increase engagement. The bank had identified that they were way behind their competitors in this area and were keen to introduce innovative solutions within the workplace to improve this.
Previously, employees were only able to choose from a Samsung Galaxy J5 or an S8. This left many frustrated. The choice of phone is dependent on grade, so most employees were only able to choose J5 (which launched in 2015). And even those employees eligible for S8 (launched in 2017) could feel frustrated at being forced to use the android operating system if they are an iOS user outside of work.
The Solution
The bank engaged Teleware to explore how they could help them improve their business mobile offering.
They already had some staff members using their own devices for email and wanted to explore rolling this out to a wider employee audience. They were very interested in Re:Call, an innovative app that provides a second number on any mobile phone. This was exciting to them because it enables the bank to roll out BYOD to greater numbers of employees. It also helped ensure they didn’t compromise their GDPR obligations; keeping personal and business data completely secure and separate. The bank would not be able to access any information from apps or functions on the employee’s phone except that held in Re:Call.
The idea of being able to provide a solution that enables employees to use their own device – their device of choice – was appealing and because they could do this via a separate Re:Call contract, centrally provisioned and didn’t require the employee to do anything with their existing mobile phone contract was even more appealing. The monthly subscription is billed straight to the company and users can be added or removed quickly and easily.
The bank decided that they would offer Re:Call alongside their current business mobile offering, rather than mandating employees to move across to Re:Call. This was an important part of the strategy, enhancing employee choice and enabling them to use any device they want to.
For any employees wishing to swap their business mobile in favour of Re:Call, Teleware were able to transfer their existing business mobile number across to Re:Call, creating a seamless employee experience.
The Outcomes
In the early stages of the employee roll out, employees received Re:Call well. Those that opted for it loved the ability to switch to ‘Do Not Disturb’ so they can manage their work/life balance effectively. Customer very happy – rolling out to 40,000 employees in 2019.
Comments from the customer:
- I must say, I’m really impressed with your levels of customer service.
- Thanks for sticking with this really appreciate your time and expertise helping me to a resolution. Excellent customer service in my opinion.
- Hurrah! It’s worked. Thank you so much – I was managing without it, but it’s so much more useful to have my contacts there. I’ve been really impressed with your customer service – thanks Re:Call team!!!
- Great news – the update seems to have solved it!! Thanks again for all your efforts to fix, much appreciated.
- Excited with what the future will bring in enhancing the mobile compute for colleagues.
- Many thanks for this level of excellence and getting app updates through the store in quick fashion.